Since 2017, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) has sponsored a successful Administrative Supplement program to stimulate the field of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and its related dementias (ADRD) (e.g., frontotemporal dementia, Lewy body dementia, Vascular Contributions to Cognitive Impairment and Dementia (VCID), and multiple etiology dementias) (NOT-AG-22-025; NOT-AG-21-018; NOT-AG-20-034; NOT-AG-17-008). This program has especially been effective in bringing researchers into the AD/ADRD research realm. Once more, the participating Institutes and Centers (ICs) are inviting supplement applications to take advantage of this opportunity to support the value of their projects, consistent with the previously peer-reviewed objectives. Therefore, as administrative supplements, the work proposed must be within the scope of the research or training that is already supported in order to be considered for funding. Active awards with project end dates in fiscal year (FY) 2025 or later are eligible. The award may not be in a terminal no-cost extension or going into a no-cost extension in FY 2024. Please note that a few ICs limit no-cost extensions in the final non-competing year of an award. For that reason, it is important to contact staff at the IC supporting the award when planning the request.
As administrative supplements, the work proposed needs to be within the scope of the research or training that is already supported. Center awards and resource awards are most likely to be able to justify these supplements, as they tend to have a broad content scope. Some research grants will also qualify if the current research is on a related topic (e.g., cognitive decline in aging, caregiving, the biology of neurodegeneration, genetics, imaging, computational methods, pain perception, or biostatistical tools that have application to research on AD/ADRD). NIA hosts a website that provides details on how AD/ADRD is defined and some examples of currently supported research. Awardees are expected to seek competing support to continue promising leads from the research supported through the supplement. Additional information on areas of interest and Notices of Funding Opportunity Announcements can be found here: Funding Opportunities | National Institute on Aging.
Awards that currently focus on research on AD/ADRD are not eligible for this program. If an investigator is uncertain whether the project does carry an AD focus,as defined by NIH, then the investigator should contact the appropriate Program Officer who can check that status. (For example, the parent award may focus on cognitive change due to chemotherapy in cancer patients. Does that research have a current focus on AD/ADRD? Contact the program officer for the award to check its status.)