DoD Peer Reviewed Cancer, Impact Award

Application Due Date
Brief Description

The FY21 PRCRP Impact Award supports hypothesis-driven, high-impact research. The Impact Award mechanism encourages applications with mature research projects that specifically focus on critical scientific or clinical cancer issues, which, if successfully addressed, have the potential to make a major near-term impact on at least one of the FY21 PRCRP Topic Areas. Important factors under consideration will be continuity of research, clinical applicability, and leveraging of clinical samples and trials. Through the Impact Award, the PRCRP seeks to build foundations in underfunded, understudied, and/or lethal militarily relevant cancer or research areas. The Impact Award supports identifying scientific outcomes through rigorous, robust research that are translatable toward treatment and/or preventive strategies. Research proposed should aim to accelerate promising findings toward clinical applicability and leverage research results to maximize impact.