Cellular Cancer Biology Imaging Research (CCBIR) Program (U54, Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Application Due Date
LOI due 2/18/21. Application due 3/18/21.
Brief Description

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications for Cellular Cancer Biology Imaging Research (CCBIR) Centers. The Centers will develop and test enabling imaging technologies at the cellular and organ scales driven by specific fundamental questions in cancer biology. The overall purpose of the CCBIR initiative is to facilitate innovation in advanced imaging technologies that could be applied to fundamental basic and pre-clinical research problems in cancer biology. CCBIR Centers are structured to operate collaboratively between technology developers and cancer biologists at the forefront of their respective fields. CCBIR Centers will increase in experimental sophistication over time to ultimately produce an interoperable suite of state-of-the-art imaging technologies with transformative potential to study the cancer biology process(es) that defines the Center. The cadre of CCBIR Centers will form a consortium that will be expected to engage with the broader cancer research community.