This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant applications from small business concerns (SBCs) proposing commercially-directed research for the development of cancer prevention, diagnosis, or treatment technologies to improve cancer outcomes in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), and low-resource settings in the US. Specifically, the FOA encourages grant applications from SBCs to develop or adapt, apply, and validate existing or emerging technologies into user-friendly products for cancer prevention, diagnosis, or treatment in low-resource settings. These technologies should be practical and affordable in the low-resource settings, including remote or underserved populations within or outside the US. The technologies may include, but are not limited to tools for vaccine dissemination/delivery, imaging, in vitro diagnosis, or treatment of pre-cancerous (pre-neoplastic) or cancerous lesions that are preventable or treatable within low-resource settings. Strong emphasis is placed on technologies that directly provide or immediately lead to treatment options available in the local health system.
LOI required and due 30 days prior to the application due date.
Brief Description