Sarcoma Research Grants Initiative

Alan B. Slifka Foundation
send a 1-2 page letter of intent (LOI) to
Brief Description

The Alan B. Slifka Foundation funds a wide range of sarcoma research topics, including but not limited to:

  • understanding the molecular biology of sarcomas;
  • exploring “molecular targets” for new sarcoma therapies;
  • studying chromosomal translocations, the oncogenes they generate and their role in sarcoma development;
  • translational studies; vaccine studies, monoclonal antibodies and small-molecule inhibitors of signal transduction pathways;
  • the use of nanotechnology in the diagnosis and treatment of sarcomas; 
  • understanding the basis of radiation-induced sarcomas;
  • modeling of the processes of metastases and drug resistance;
  • exploring differences in the development of sarcomas in children, adolescents, young adults and adults;
  • research directed at the early detection and diagnosis of sarcoma; and
  • pre-clinical studies leading to an IND.

Grants may be used for the development of models; conducting experiments; development of sarcoma tissue registries; and similar activities related to research into the causes, origins, development, metastasis, molecular biology, diagnosis and treatment of sarcomas. Proposals that pursue studies with patients undergoing treatment or who are participating in an investigational study are considered and have been supported. Grant amounts may vary but generally do not exceed $50,000 for one year. Grant duration also varies but typically does not extend beyond two years.