DoD Peer Reviewed Cancer - Patient Well-Being and Survivorship Award

Application Due Date
Brief Description

The Patient Well-Being and Survivorship Award (PWSA) supports innovative research studies to advance studies in preservation of function (physical ability), quality of life, symptom management, resilience, relief from neurocognitive deficits, and support for psychosocial issues related to cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. Studies must address one or more of these critical issues in at least one of the FY23 PRCRP Topic Areas.

The overall intention of the PWSA is to fill gaps in the understanding of survivorship, including investigations into the psychological health and well-being of those affected by cancer (e.g., patients, family members). This may include investigations into studies that improve mental health and/or cancer-related outcomes in defined populations. Studies also may assess the relationship(s) between behavioral and social functioning in relation to cancer initiation, progression, detection, treatment, and rehabilitation. Applications may propose studies that examine preservation of function, quality-of-life, well-being, decision-making, and/or cognitive function, development and testing of educational interventions, and symptom management (e.g., toxicity of treatment, palliative/supportive care, psychological distress and anxiety) throughout treatment and beyond. Applications may target development of evidence-based practices, behavioral health science and patient well-being interventions and surveillance, and identification of psychosocial patient outcomes. Basic laboratory studies are not appropriate for the Patient Well-Being and Survivorship Award and may be withdrawn.