The AACR-AstraZeneca Career Development Award for Physician-Scientists, in Honor of José Baselga has been established to honor the life and legacy of Dr. José Baselga, who was a scientific leader and supportive mentor to an entire generation of physician-scientists. Dr. Baselga’s research focused on novel molecular targeted therapeutics and he played a leading role in the clinical development of multiple cancer drugs. The intent of this program is to encourage and support early-career physician-scientists to conduct research and bolster the development of innovative targeted therapeutics. The proposed projects may be translational or clinical in nature and focused on all aspects of oncology.
The grant provides $300,000 over a period of three years for expenses related to the research project, which may include salary and benefits of the grant recipient and any collaborator, postdoctoral or clinical research fellows, graduate students (including tuition costs associated with graduate students’ education and training), or research assistants; research/laboratory supplies; equipment; publication charges for manuscripts that pertain directly to the funded project; and other research expenses. Indirect costs are not permitted.